Planet Impact ~ 02 Jun 2013

Planet impact. Not the kind that would occur if that near earth object with a moon to boot that scooted by last week managed to find its way through our atmosphere. Nope, this is about the planet, her resources, her occupants. More, its about how each and every one of us do our daily thing and make an impact on the planet.

On June 14th Jupiter and the reasonably new dwarf planet Makemake make a square in the sky. Jupiter will be in Gemini; Makemake in Virgo. The first connection: both planets travel signs traditionally considered to be ruled by word-meister and alleged master communicator, commerce development director and pickpocket, Mercury. The second connection: Jupiter and Makemake both hold perihelion points (closet approach to the Sun) within a degree of one another in the sign of Aries. The third connection: Makemake’s other orbital elements consist of the north node in Gemini, Jupiter’s transit point.

The perihelion in Aries stands out as an action agenda point. As we know, when Jupiter transits come to town and he offers up something good, he’s not going to wait for you to decide to come out and play. He’s itching to go and ready to surmount whatever summit he views as next. Get up and go... or be left behind. Makemake, with an orbital element in Aries, shares that urgency and also the willingness to take on rigorous activities to accomplish the ultimate goal. The annual ceremony on Rapa Nui (where Makemake is the chief deity) of selecting the prestigious bird man involves repelling cliffs, swimming through shark-infested waters and bringing back an intact egg. A fabulous personification of this ceremony can be viewed on the obscure, but evocative film Rapa Nui.

A prevailing theme in this film is that of how society impacts the planet. The concept of planetary expend-ability stands out front and center, an issue that Makemake strives to point out to humankind. Makemake underscores, highlights and flies the banners of critical issues such as: How many people can ride planet Earth before her providence is exploited and devoured? What methods of recycling forests, crops, water and any life-supporting vital commodities must be applied to preserve the planet? What is the perfect balance of humans to nature? When will humans learn not to mess with Mother Nature?

Adding to the environmental, people on the planet, balance of nature theme is the grinding square between the perihelia of Jupiter and Makemake to the perihelion of Earth. Earth is closest the Sun when in Cancer (Sun in Capricorn), most distant in Capricorn. Soon, very soon, Earth transiting Capricorn, recedes in distance from the Sun to its annual maximum. This occurs on July 5th. A planet’s aphelion requires stepping back, sitting down and reflecting about the priorities of the planet involved, before mounting another campaign or taking any additional action of the behalf of that planet. As mentioned in a recent post, Earth at aphelion is an astrologically significant Earth Day, whether collectively seen as such or not.

Four days following this year’s Earth at aphelion gala, Mars in Gemini squares Makemake. As Mars habitually does, a call to action is sounded and all able-bodied humans of consciousness no doubt gleefully respond. Right, huh?

So, on June 14th a philosophical campaign begins courtesy of Jupiter squaring Makemake that intends to benefit Earth. Clear conscious platforms regarding ecological matters, consumerism and the limited extent of Earth’s resources need development and distribution. This effort intends to seek solutions for the limits of Earth, the out of control population of the planet, and the cultivation of what it takes to keep all Earth’s people alive and flourishing. Included in these doctrines: the end of hunger and the effective reach of medical resources to the diseased and suffering of the planet.

And, when Mars squares Makemake on the heels of Earth’s aphelion, it’s time to get the solutions activated.

Okay, so let’s say you’re not in the mood to take on environmental causes and you just don’t have the time to go to rallies and campaign and such. Can you do anything?

On a more collective impact level, you could:

Use the organization of Virgo - where Makemake now travels - to work out a logistical schedule for the day that takes less time, travels less distance, and is thus energy friendly to you and green for the planet.

Find products to use that are not developed or sold by companies known to show disdain for the environment.

Avoid the urge to buy into rabid consumerism, especially with expendable products that when discarded adds to the toxicity of the planet. How many electronic gadgets do you need in your backpack, purse, satchel, or attached to your belt? Could you consolidate for enhanced efficiency in communication to honor Jupiter’s transit of and Makemake’s node in Gemini, ruled by Mercury? Mercury was not previously mentioned as pickpocket facetiously. Consider the wave of hit and run thefts of smart phones by thieves taking advantage of Internet-distracted pedestrians.


Plant trees.

Avoid over-fished entree choices.

Minimize your carbon footprint.

Or on a more inner personal level, you could:

Waste no time. Avoid meaningless activities. At the same time, honor repose, reflection and meditation. By no means does intentional solitude waste time.

Declare a courageous doctrine for yourself (to honor the Aries perihelia), figure out a plan, the logistics and timing of execution (to honor Gemini, Virgo, Mercury rulership) and get on with it as Mars squares Makemake.

Foster yourself on the mundane, emotional and soul levels.

Apply the node of Makemake and the Mercury ruled signs of transit of Jupiter and Makemake to pick your brain. Take all ideas and honor them with a second look, an outline, and at least five minutes of concentration. Use ecological thinking here, too. No idea can be wasted. If you don’t want to use an idea, give it to someone with the will, interest and skill set to apply it.

Imagine your aura. Visualize how it normally expands and contracts around you as you navigate circumstances and people in your daily go. Sure, sometimes things feel icky and you want to retract your aura into your backbone faster than a turtle can retreat into its shell. Understandable. But can you also sense your energetic global impact?

Take some time between the middle of this month and the first week of July to sit and imagine your planet impact. Visualize your energy extending over, under, around and through Planet Earth as far as you wish and for as long as you can. There! You’ve done it. You’ve created planet impact.

Speaking of which, a little personal horn blowing here. My first film is complete! Last year, when the Sun was in Virgo, a gent in LA contacted me to write an Afghan war short film for his thesis in film school. I saw the film for the first time on Thursday. The final cut is staggering! Though I wrote this thing, so I know what’s was coming... still, every time I see it, it grabs me. For the time being, viewing will be limited to film festivals. We’re already in one. Mirage at Zabul Province is an official selection of the Prescott Film Festival where it will be shown in late July. As other showings are scheduled, I will post them here. And when the film becomes available on cable or video on demand, I’ll certainly let you all know.

More soon.